Two important life lessons .

Two very important lessons that i have learnt in the past few months.

1)In any given situation you have the power over your emotions and your attitude . You can have all the things in the world and still not be satisfied whereas you could be in a really bad place in your life and still feel confident and happy.
Its all about looking at the positive things in life. Yes i know this sounds like a typical lecture but that is what i want you all to know. IT IS TRUE !
No matter what is going on CHOOSE to be happy ! No one can do it for you !

Here are a few things that helped me and might help you too:

  • Get up a little early so you don't have to rush up your mornings.
  • Look at yourself in the mirror and smile.
  • Listen to peppy songs in the morning.
  • Tell yourself that you are going a have a great day.
  • Be grateful for all the things you have.
  • Do not compare yourself to others . This is an important one . You are unique your strengths and weaknesses are different . 
  • Do something creative.
  • Learn new things.
People are capable at any time in their lives , of doing what they dream of. (Paulo Coelho)
2)Follow your heart .Believe in yourself . 
A little thing my mom told me when i was a kid " you are your own best friend".
I didn't really get it then how can you be your own best friend you need a seperate person for that.
You are the only person who is going to be there with you forever. If you are lucky you will have people who love you and care about you but they cant be there for you all the time whenever you need them.its just not possible .So whenever you feel like you have a lot of problems and no one knows you or understands you remember you have your best friend .


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